Sensor App Disclosure
When you download and use this application, you are agreeing to be bound by the following terms and conditions:
This application, any related services we provide and the monitor are for general informational purposes only.
We reserve ownership of the application and the rights to change any aspect of the application and the monitor.
We are granting you a non-exclusive, non-transferable limited license to access and use the application. You agree not to alter the application.
You agree we will not be liable to you related to your use of the application and the device and you are solely responsible for the security, accuracy and privacy of the related data in your possession.
The application is provided on an “as is”, “as available” basis and owner and each third-party supplier expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind. Owner does not warrant that the application will meet any requirements or needs you may have, or that the application will operate error free, or in an uninterrupted fashion, or that any defects or errors in the application will be corrected, or that the application is compatible with any particular platform.
Brace wear monitoring gives us all valuable information regarding the patient’s ability to wear the brace for the recommended hours. When we see success, we celebrate, when we see difficulty, we can have an honest conversation and develop strategies to help increase wear time. Everyone is working together so no one feels they have to overestimate wear time.
At each follow up visit, you will be asked to download the current wear report and email it to the treating clinician or their assistant. The data will be reviewed to assist with patient care. Without disclosing any identifiable information, we may utilize the data to further demonstrate the positive impact of bracing.
This agreement is in effect until it is terminated by either party.