Julie Nguyen, CPO
Certified Prosthetist Orthotist
- Pediatric orthotics and prosthetics
Education, Certificates, Membership
- American Board Certified Orthotist Prosthetist
- MS in Orthotics and Prosthetics - University of Pittsburgh
- BS in Biomedical Engineering - California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Philosophy: An interdisciplinary approach is crucial to my practice. In addition to having an open line of communication with other medical professionals, I strive to include children and parents in their O&P care. For many families, seeking O&P treatment can be an unsettling process. Providing an approachable and inclusive environment to the family members improves their comfort level and ultimately optimizes clinical outcomes.
Bio: Orthotics and prosthetics was a triple threat career for me. It allows me to pursue my three passions: engineering, working with a diverse group of people, and helping kids be active. I began my career at the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital in San Francisco and am now happily practicing with Boston O&P in Ohio. Seeing a child achieve a new skill is the most humbling experience and makes me love coming to work every day.