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The Bill Miller Blog

Named after Bill Miller, the founder and inventor of the Boston Brace, who had two great passions in his life – innovation and compassionate care for patients.

By reading these blog posts you will learn more about conditions including scoliosis, plagiocephaly, and lower limb and neuromuscular conditions, including technological advancements, treatment options, and how Boston Orthotics & Prosthetics is working to improve the lives of the people we serve. Bill's spirit lives on here.

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Rare and Resilient: Maya’s Journey with SMA

Rare and Resilient: Maya’s Journey with SMA

At 4 months old, Maya had not rolled over the way other babies do. Her mom, Gislane Lima, a nurse, knew something wasn’t right. Maya was referred to a neurologist. In the exam room, Gislane observed and listened as the doctors spoke to one another in hushed tones: “Classic symptoms of SMA” — an acronym she’d never heard. Outside, in the parking lot, in the harsh light of a Summer day, she Googled SMA. “It took my breath away,” she says.

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Catching the Curve: Caden’s Scoliosis Journey

Catching the Curve: Caden’s Scoliosis Journey

Twelve-year-old brothers, Caden and Ryan Kim, share many similar characteristics and common interests — they both love to ski, read, build models out of wood and cardboard, and both play the violin. But one thing these identical twins don’t share is a condition known as idiopathic scoliosis, a curvature of the spine with no known cause.

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