Learn more about the lower-limb orthoses offered by Boston Orthotics & Prosthetics, including profiles of the clinicians that fabricate and fit our lower limb orthoses, the conditions that can benefit from treatment with lower limb orthoses, and patients that are achieving their dreams through the use of orthotic devices.
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When you or a loved one has been diagnosed with scoliosis and your doctor has recommended bracing, you want the best scoliosis brace available. The Boston Brace, a custom-made brace for scoliosis, has been the gold standard for the non-surgical treatment of scoliosis since it was developed more than 50 years ago. Of course, as the top scoliosis brace, the Boston Brace has its share of imitators—braces that are often called “Boston-style” braces, but that aren’t authentic Boston Brace products.
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Tom Harrigan is a certified prosthetist orthotist (CPO) and physical therapist (PT) who specializes in pediatric care at the Boston O&P clinic in Peabody, MA. In this Q&A, Tom shares how he got into the field of PT, why he specializes in gait pathology, and how being a PT changes the way he treats his patients.
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Donald Douglass may have expected to be retired by now, but instead he has a fulltime job — raising his grandson. Carter, who will turn 8 in August, was born with cerebral palsy (CP), a condition that can cause muscle weakness and affect mobility and balance.
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At age 6, Samora is becoming more aware. She’ll ask, “Mommy, why don’t my toes wiggle like my sisters’ toes do?”
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It may come as no surprise that one of Addison’s favorite colors is pink. Pink and purple to be exact and a personality to match. “She’s a spitfire,” says her mom, Alanna Mattimore.
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When Tucker’s mom, Mia, talks about her son, she is overcome with emotion. “I just love to talk about him,” she says. “He’s got an incredible personality and can make everybody in a room light up.” — For this, Mia and Tyler Thurston are especially grateful.
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Nick Grigorieff is a certified prosthetist orthotist who specializes in pediatric lower limb orthortics among other things at the Boston O&P clinic in Worcester, MA. In this Q&A, Nick shares how an injury introduced him to the field of orthotics and his most rewarding experience treating a double amputee from Uganda.
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At 4 months old, Maya had not rolled over the way other babies do. Her mom, Gislane Lima, a nurse, knew something wasn’t right. Maya was referred to a neurologist. In the exam room, Gislane observed and listened as the doctors spoke to one another in hushed tones: “Classic symptoms of SMA” — an acronym she’d never heard. Outside, in the parking lot, in the harsh light of a Summer day, she Googled SMA. “It took my breath away,” she says.
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